Buy Latest Women Clothes, Dress Online,Outlet Online Sale For Women Fashion Apparel - Crystal News 2020-11-02T08:20:54-05:00 Cape Cod Crystals 2020-11-02T08:20:54-05:00 2020-11-02T08:20:55-05:00 The Ammonite Colette Weeks Deeply connected to the ancient and eternal, Ammonites have be revered and utilized by cultures throughout history. Learn more about the properties of Ammonite and the meaning of these special beings.

Click Here to See Available Ammonite Fossils 

Large Opalized Ammonite Fossil

The Ammonite

These mysterious little creatures went extinct as a result of the k-pg extinction event the marked the end of the Cretaceous period. No direct relatives of the Ammonite exist today, so little is known about their way of life. This makes their fossils all the more interesting to scientists.  Interestingly, Ammonites are more closely related to squids than they are to the shelled sea dwellers that live today.

These fossils fascinated our ancient ancestors. In 79 AD, near Pompeii, Pliny the Elder called these fossils ammonis cornua meaning "horns of Ammon”. Ammon was an Egyptian god, depicted as wearing ram’s horns.


Opalized Ammonite and Ammolite

Ammolite is a trade name given to a thin iridescent aragonite shell material that is found on two species of extinct ammonite fossils Placenticeras meeki and Placenticeras intercalare.  Ammolite is a rare and beautiful material, often carefully removed from the Ammonite and used for jewelry. It has beautiful rainbow iridescence. Some Ammonite Fossils are hand polished with the opalescent coating intact and called Opalized Ammonite.    

Video Below Shows Rainbow Coloring of Opalized Ammonite Fossil

Ammonite Metaphysical Properties

Over the eons, Ammonite shells have absorbed the energies of the cosmic and can infuse the body with this lifeforce. Their spiral shape is a sign of the interconnectedness of all things and the divine or supreme plan of all life. Imbued with Earth Energy, these fossils help us connect with nature's healing power and grounds us, helping us sense our connection with all living things throughout time. It is thought to hold Ammonite shells while meditating can connect us to the knowledge of our ancient ancestors or from within our own past lives.


Ammonite is beneficial to those who build or design. It is an excellent companion for construction workers, contractors, architects or even graphic designers or interior decorators.


Ammonite Chakra Healing

Ammonite benefits the root chakra, and stimulates the third eye. It is both grounding and helps us connect to the spiritual realm through spiritual guides. The spiraled shape of the Ammonite is ideal for removing chakra blockages and re-opening chakras. Opalized Ammonite are thought to cleanse and purify the aura. while raising the overall energy within the body.


Ammonite Feng Shui and in the Home

Ammonites are highly valued in Feng Shui and thought to greatly improve the energy of any space. The spiral shape of the Ammonite keeps energy flowing, in constant movement. This movement prevents stagnant, negative energy from lingering, restores vitality and maintains prosperity.

Click Here to See Available Ammonite Fossils 

]]> 2020-06-08T08:29:00-04:00 2020-06-08T08:29:24-04:00 Cinnabar | History & Properties Colette Weeks

Cinnabar is a deep red crystal that forms found recent volcanic activity. It is a mercury sulfide mineral that forms tabular rhombohedral and prismatic crystals that can be quite striking. Used for thousands of years across many cultures, Cinnabar has a long history as a stone of Alchemy, magic, inspiration, and protection. 

Cinnabar History

Throughout history, Cinnabar has been used as a symbol of blood, victory, success, the duality of life and death, and immortality. Cinnabar is one of a very few minerals that was independently discovered and utilized by ancient people throughout the world. People in nearly every country where volcanoes are present discovered Cinnabar and realized its potential. Evidence and record of its use has been uncovered in Italy, Greece, Spain, Japan, China,  Turkey, and the Mayan countries of South America. Cinnabar was used to create pigments used in artwork and in modern times, it is known as the only major ore of Mercury in nature. Mayans surrounded and embedded tombs with Cinnabar for protection. The natural philosopher Pliny the Elder noted cinnabar as having great importance and sacred associations to the Romans.

Alchemists also acknowledged the unusual properties of Cinnabar and were intrigued by interaction with gold and siver. 

Apparatus for the distillation of cinnabar, Alchimia, 1570

Cinnabar Toxicity

Is Cinnabar Poisonous?

While mercury is of course toxic, Cinnabar itself is safe to handle as long as it is not vaporized. Mercury is derived from the vapor on Cinnabar by heating it in a furnace. You would have to crush up and inhale lots of Cinnabar to have a toxic effect. Use common sense when handling all minerals and wash your hands afterward. Cinnabar should never be consumed or used in an elixir.

Cinnabar Metaphysical Properties

Cinnabar in ancient cultures been associated with immortality and the protection of the immortal spirit. It is a thread between worlds, connecting us to the divine and eternal as well as the ancient human spirit. Cinnabar ignites inspiration and helps us make unexpected connections.  It is a crystal of discovery and manifestation at the highest levels. A perfect stone for creatives and entrepreneurs, Cinnabar is associated with ingenuity, financial growth and preservation.

Emotionally, Cinnabar aids the release of trapped feelings of anger or guilt. It is thought to be an excellent crystal for removing energetic blockages as well.

Cinnabar targets the root chakra, but also opens the Third eye. This combination helps us discover and enact our best plan of action. It connects our most primal drives with our higher selves, allowing us to break through perceived limitations. Cinnabar has also been accredited with allowing one to better sense the movement of energy within the body or deal with energy changes in one's environment.

See Available Cinnabar Specimens Here

]]> 2020-01-05T08:54:00-05:00 2020-01-05T08:54:36-05:00 Galena Healing Properties Colette Weeks Galena Properties: Tolerance ~ Peace ~ Harmony

The ultimate grounding stone, this heavy crystal forms in metallic cubes that may look faintly blue or pink. Ancient Egyptians used it as kohl under their eyes to reduce the sun’s glare and to protect them from diseases carried by flies.

As a grounding stone, Galena supports the root chakra, allowing us to feel secure and protected. It plants us firmly on the Earth, giving us a renewed sense of stability and even belonging.

Galena is best known for its ability to give us insight into all aspects of the self and helping one confront, accept and understand our attributes - the good and the bad. It reframes our understanding of our mental processes that ultimately affect every aspect of life.

This is why Galena is known as the “stone of harmony”, it assists in the decreasing self-limiting ideas. It teaches us to embrace the aspects of ourselves we have long feared. This stone opens the mind to new concepts. It balances energy while removing emotional blocks. Galena can also reveal paths to reclaim personal power that may have been lost due to events in the past and negative perceptions of the self.

Galena possesses metal energy. Use this stone to enhance any space that used to concentrate, work, come up with new ideas, or gather strength. Galena is particularly helpful for those studying the field of medicine and can promote holistic, homeopathic, and herbal medicine studies. It’s beneficial to use during long hours in front of the computer, helping us deal with the effects of radiation and electromagnetic pollution.

See All Available Galena Specimens Here

]]> 2020-01-05T07:33:00-05:00 2020-01-05T07:33:18-05:00 Flower Agate Colette Weeks Flower Agate is a soft pink Agate/Chalcedony - a recent discovery from Madagascar.

Flower Agate Properties: Emotional Support - Healing ~ Self-Growth ~ Motivation ~ Passion

Flower Agate with Blossoms and Buds

This stone has a gentle, and nourishing energy resembling a field of flowers. The circles and dots represent seeds and the floral plumes represent the blossom, reminding us that we start out as seeds, then blossom and grow. Flower Agate helps us envision the process of growth, honoring and appreciating each part of the process.

Flower Agate helps us reach our highest potential, protecting us from fears and self-doubt.

Flower Agate inspires us to manifest and nurture our dreams. Its energy ignites a passion to pursue dreams and live life to the fullest.

Flower Agate has a feminine and maternal presence that is comforting and grounding but at the same time, its appearance is enchanting and almost ethereal. This unique stone has been credited with providing the ideal environment for restoring emotional balance, emotional recovery, and moving forward in life with grace and confidence.

See Available Flower Agate Stones Here


Article Written with Thanks to Contributor Danielle Briggs 

]]> 2019-12-03T10:25:00-05:00 2019-12-03T10:25:06-05:00 The Healing Properties of Black Obsidian Colette Weeks

Black Obsidian for Protection

Black Obsidian is a stone of psychic protection and creates a shield around the aura. By keeping you powerfully grounded to Mother Earth, Black Obsidian creates a safe space for us to work through emotional issues or strengthen our psyche. With a direct connection to earth, We can rid ourselves of destructive or excess energies by focusing that energy down into the earth where it can be absorbed and neutralized. 

Black Obsidian, Conduit to the Spirit Realm

Historically, Black Obsidian has been used as a conduit to the spirit realm and used in scrying. It is commonly used when seeing guidance from spirit guides or from the angelic realm. When present during mediation, it can help us open the mind to higher realms while remaining grounded and protected. We are safe to move through our own memories and experience to gain insight into behaviors. 

Black Obsidian can help us awaken the Third Eye and reach deep into our past (or some say past lives) to gain insight to our current state and foresight into our future. 

Black Obsidian for Cleansing

Black Obsidian is also one of the most powerful stones for purging negative emotions and spiritual cleansing. Drawing from the fire energy of its volcanic creation, Obsidian can illuminate problems and help us ‘burn off’ emotional burdens or energetic baggage that weighs us down. 

Black Obsidian Uses

  • Decision Making
  • Emotional Healing
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Purging of Negative Emotions
  • Release of excess energy
  • Grounding and Stability
  • Safe Space for Should Searching
  • Communication with spirit guides
  • Insight into the past and future
  • Third Eye Expansion
  • Development of mental or psychic ability
  • Personal Development

Black Obsidian Chakras: Third Eye and Root

Black Obsidian Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius 

Black Obsidian Element: Fire/Earth

Black Obsidian Planet: Pluto

See All Available Black Obsidian Stones


]]> 2019-10-28T08:25:00-04:00 2019-10-28T09:02:01-04:00 Stibnite: The Crystal of the Underworld Colette Weeks Stibnite forms some of nature’s most outstanding natural crystals that arrange themselves in complex, elegant shapes. Stibnite crystals are long, slender and prismatic. They have at first a silver, metallic luster and over time, take on colorful Iridescence.

Large Stibnite Crystal Specimen

Stibnite is the primary ore of antimony, which is an important mineral in the modern world for scientific and industrial applications. It also has very specific medical uses.

The ancient Egyptians used Stibnite to create a shimmery eye make up and aid in curing eye infections. A vase made from Stibnite derived antimony was found at Telloh, Chaldea, and dates back to 3000 BC.

Well-formed Stibnite specimens are sought by collectors for their rare natural beauty and Stibnite has a metaphysical healing reputation that spans thousands of years across multiple societies.

Stibnite Meaning Card by cape Cod Crystals

Stibnite as a Healing Crystal

Stibnite was used medicinally by some of mankind’s earliest civilizations to treat eye infections and other maladies. While this is not recommended today, we do use Antimony in certain medications. In metaphysical crystal healing, Stibnite is now more commonly associated with its non-physical healing properties like being able to sense changes in the body and increase awareness of our own physical state. It is also useful for healers or therapists working to detect underlying issues.

Stibnite as a Crystal of the Underworld

Rebirth and Manifestation

Stibnite was a mysterious and enchanting mineral to ancient peoples. And still, its strangely beautiful appearance sparks the imagination. Along with being a cosmetic and medicinal stone, Stibnite was linked with the underworld and its ruler, Pluto. Pluto precedes Hades and is a more caring and protective figure than the malevolent Hades. Pluto is a figure of discipline and protection as well as a provider - Pluto was seen as responsible for providing the ‘seeds of wealth’ because mineral wealth was found in the earth. Seeds also grow in the Earth and so there is some control over the harvest.

In modern Crystal metaphysics, Stibnite is strongly associated with Pluto and the concepts of rebirth and manifestation. Stibnite calls upon the ancient powers of the underworld to bring a bountiful harvest. But we ‘reap what we sow’ so to speak. Stibnite is also somewhat of a ‘trickster’ in that we may receive an excess of what we intend. Or, if we are not deliberately well-meaning in intention, it will act as a dark mirror. The most common example would be the manifestation of wealth which can bring untended consequences or complications. Sodalite is recommended to be paired with Stibnite when using it for manifestation to bring us clarity of intention and foresight.

Stibnite as a Crystal for Change

Stibnite is a mineral filled with potential energy. Elementally, it is a crystal of fire, its energy is one that inspires action and sparks or rekindles passions. Thought to be a stone of change, Stibnite is often used when one is working to make a significant change in themselves or their circumstances. Stibnite also has an association with luck and chance. It is said to increase co-incidence or perhaps heightens our awareness of such synchronicity. 

Early in our history, Stibnite was recognized as a stone of change and creation; George Starkey was a colonial American Alchemist who, through his work in chemistry, would have a lasting impact on the science throughout history. But he might be better known for his work in alchemy and his quest for the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ which he believed Stibnite was a precursor to. There are many manuscripts that mention the potential of Stibnite, whether it be scientific or magical.

Stibnite is a stone used to bring about great change and the beginning of any great change is a significant event. Stibnite is thought to help us find where to start a new journey or bring new paths to light. 

Stibnite as a Crystal for Illumination and Revelation

Knowledge, Power, New Paths

As a stone of Pluto, Stibnite Deeply connected to the subconscious and otherworldly where hidden knowledge lies. Stibnite may be a bringer of new paths, but it does not necessarily show us which path to take. Stibnite illuminates all paths, and it is our job to choose which information is beneficial. Sphalerite is often used in conjunction with Stibnite when seeking knowledge, as Sphalerite is a stone of truth and improved judgment. 

See all Available Stibnite Specimens Here


]]> 2019-08-08T21:45:00-04:00 2019-08-25T10:17:36-04:00 All About Tanzurine Colette Weeks

I recently had the opportunity to meet with Jonathan Bartky of Ariel Treasures LLC. He launched a new warehouse in New Jersey and was in Boston so decided to visit my new shop! 

He brought with him some really gorgeous pieces from his last trip to East Africa and of course, Tanzurine.

Tanzurine Pair, one red and one green

What is Tanzurine?

Tanzurine is a recently discovered stone consisting of one of the purest Quartz and either Lepidolite (cherry) or Fuchsite (emerald). Because of the purity of the Quartz, the included minerals are able to fill these stones with vibrant color as if it were water. The deep reds and vibrant greens of Tangerine Quartz are totally natural and create a truly unique stone. 

Where does Tanzurine Come From?

Tanzurine was only recently discovered in Tanzania, near the Kenya Border.  Jonathan Bartky was the first to harvest Tanzurine with the help and support of the local villagers. As far as being a reputable source for minerals, Bartky is the real deal. He and his team worked with Maasai tribes to uncover the gorgeous rarities that are native to northern Tanzania. Bartky has some crazy stories about heading out to ‘the bush’ - no roads, no lights.. just giraffe.  It took amazing work to ensure the world knew about this unusual and beautiful stone. 

A volcano in Tanzania

Bartky was featured in Rock & Gem Magazine for this awesome find and he has consulted with many locals and healers to build a better understanding of Tanzania. 

From his Blog:   

“Even in Tanzania, in the heart of the gem district, no one knew what this stone was ! It was found on Massai tribal land deep in the bush in Northern Tanzania. I love quartz, but, I never had seen a 100% natural and Untreated Cherry Quartz. It was not known to exist. But, here it is ! A Natural and Untreated Cherry Quartz that has beautiful color and Sparkle too !” - Jonathan Bartky

As you know, much of East Africa, including Tanzania, is turbulent and many are not willing to work there. But luckily there are still reputable persons in the industry willing to seek out legitimate sources working directly with the communities that benefit from the mining process. 

polishing a Tanzurine in Tanzania


Cherry Tanzurine - the real Cherry Quartz

Cherry Tanzurine specimen with dark red color

Sadly, the stone termed ‘cherry quartz’ is a manmade stone. However, Tanzurine may be the answer for those seeking its healing properties and rare beauty.   

Cherry Tanzurine Quartz contains Lepidolite, technically making it a Lithium Quartz. We call Quartz containing Lepidolite Lithium Quartz because Lepidolite contains 5% Lithium. Its high Lithium content contributes greatly to Lepidolite's healing power in the physical and metaphysical sense. 

About Lepidolite

In modern medicine, certain psychiatric illnesses are treated with Lithium. Interestingly, the use of Lepidolite for psychiatric purposes dates back 1,800 years to the Greek physician Galen. He also treated those suffering from 'mania' by having them bathe in springs and drink water that was rich in the mineral Lepidolite, and therefore Lithium. It wasn't until the early 1900s that we rediscovered the usefulness of the Lithium found in Lepidolite.

Lepidolite's practical application matches it's metaphysical attributes; Lepidolite is thought to have a calming, mood-stabilizing effect. It brings comfort, acceptance and can quell unnecessary worries. A wonderful stone to work into a bedtime routine or keep with you during stressful situations.  Lepidolite is considered one of the best stones for fighting anxiety and is even thought to help animals and pets with stress.

Quartz as an Amplifier

Quartz is often credited with the ability to amplify the properties of other crystals or to ‘charge’ them. When we have a Rutilated or Tourmalated Quartz, it is thought that the Quartz acts as a magnifier for the vibrations of the other crystals, strengthening their energies and making them more accessible. 

Tanzurine is the perfect example of Quartz’s ability to act as an amplifier. You can really see how the Quartz brings to life the colors of Lepidolite and Fuchsite. In Tanzurine, Quartz is the conduit for these minerals, showcasing their colorful complexity in a way that we haven’t seen before.

Emerald Tanzurine Quartz

Emerald Tanzurine Stone in Sunlight, Fuchsite Inclusions

In Emerald Tanzurine Quartz, the green color is caused by Fuchsite. Fuchsite is normally seen as a pale green in Ruby Fuchsite or Green Aventurine. In Emerald Tanzurine it ranges from a bright leafy green to a rich Emerald color. Under a microscope, you can see the countless tiny crystals of Fuchsite suspended within the stone. Fuchsite is a form of Muscovite, colored green by Chromium. Chromium is what gives Fuchsite its green color and Rubies their red color.

Fuchsite has been termed ‘the Fairy stone’ and is thought to be a stone of miracles and blessings. It is deeply connected to the Earth’s energies and in harmony with the song of Nature’s spirit. A stone of endless possibilities, Fuchsite asks us to reach beyond what we know and take leaps of faith, reassuring us that we will find support throughout our journey.

Fuchsite is one of the most beloved stones for the Heart Chakra, our center and connection to the rhythm of nature. Chromium, in both Fuchsite and Ruby, is among the most influential healing stones for having a strong tie to our emotional energy. A stone of happiness and optimism, Fuchsite’s green color is a trigger for feeling surrounded by life, growth and endless potential. It refreshes the spirit and helps us to have patience in healing, just as nature always finds a way to restore its balance. 

Thank you to Jonathan Bartky for bringing these beautiful stones to light. Stay tuned for further updates.

]]> 2019-04-19T18:16:00-04:00 2019-04-19T18:43:03-04:00 What is Larvikite? Colette Weeks Larvikite is a Black Stone with Bright Blue Flashes caused by Feldspar.

Larvikite may flash like Labradorite, but it's actually a unique type of Monzonite that comes primarily from Larvik, Norway. It is distinguished by its inclusions of plagioclase and alkali feldspar which create its characteristic blue and silver flash. Larvikite is usually rich in titanium and can also contain Olivine and Apatite. While Larvikite is relatively new to the general public, Larvikite has a long history and has been mined from the same location in Norway since 1884 and has historically been used for detail work in architecture. Larvikite has been recognized and designated by the International Union of Geological Sciences as a Global Heritage Stone Resource. Larvikite is the correct tradename for this stone, but it is also called Blue Moonstone or Blue Pearl Granite, neither of which are accurate.

The Blue Flash in Larvikite is caused by the Schiller effect or LabradorescenceLarvikite is an 'unmixed' stone on the micro-level. Alkali feldspar and plagioclase feldspar meet in alternating layers within Larvikite, causing the Schiller effect or Labradoresence - this appears as a slivery or blue flash of light from within the stone.

Larvikite stones are nearly 300 million years old, occurring during the Precambrian period. Specifically, Larvikite is found in the Larvik Plutonic Complex which consists of 10 Plutons. Plutons are essentially cooled crystalized magma. Millions of years ago, large pools of magma were able to 'float' to the surface of the Earth's crust but did not erupt through a volcano. Because these pools remained underground, they were named after Pluto, the Roman God of the underworld. It is within these ancient stones, we find Larvikite today.

Larvikite Metaphysical Meaning and Use

Larvikite is an enchanting black stone that sparks a sense of wonder and curiosity. It inspires creative ideas and activates the imagination. Found within crystallized magma, Larvikite is deeply connected to the Earth’s ancient energies, both grounding & energizing. It is used to quicken the mind or explore one’s deepest self.

I would say this stone feels like a cross between Hypersthene and Indigo Gabbro. It offers up little moments of light and they appear more suddenly, they surprise you like little fireflies.

Chakras: Root & Third Eye

Element: Water (I'd add fire here too considering the formation and vibe of the flash)

